Archive for February, 2015

the interpretOr

Panel members said phone data had limited role preventing terrorism in testimony before Senate judiciary committee


The members of president Barack Obama’s surveillance review panel on Tuesday rejected some of the central contentions offered by the National Security Agency for its bulk collection of phone records, including the program’s potential usefulness in preventing the 9/11 attacks.

Testifying before the Senate judiciary committee, members of the panel said that restricting the NSA is necessary in order to rebalance the competing values of liberty and security.

Richard Clarke, who was the White House’s counter-terrorism czar on 9/11, echoed the 9/11 Commission in saying that the biggest obstacle to preventing the terrorist attack was not the NSA collecting an insufficient amount of data, but a failure to share information already collected.

“If the information that the federal agencies had at the time…

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the interpretOr

Here’s an extract from the report of the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014…

9.3.1 Torture and trauma prior to arrival in Australia

Since more than 90 per cent of children in immigration detention over the period of the Inquiry have been found to be refugees, it follows that many children in immigration detention are likely to have been affected by prior experiences of trauma.(46)

The Inquiry commissioned a literature review to consider factors affecting the psychological well-being of child and adolescent refugees and asylum seekers.(47)The paper concludes that:

research clearly demonstrates that refugee children and adolescents are vulnerable to the effects of pre-migration, most notably exposure to trauma. It is also apparent that particular groups in this population constitute higher psychological risk than others, namely those with extended trauma experience, unaccompanied or separated children and adolescents and…

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the interpretOr

  1. Asbestos Bishop – The Real News Channel | Facebook

    Asbestos Bishop.  It just so happens that Julie… Bishop was also a Lawyer, but worked for  Edo Voloder Julie Bishop was a solicitor for ASBESTOS MINERS!

  2. Bishop’s lawyer work a source of shame | Herald Sun…/bishopslawyer…/story-e6frf7kf-1226525303…
     Nov 27, 2012 –  attack on deputy opposition leader Julie Bishop for her work as a lead lawyer  compensation claims from workers dying of asbestos diseases.
  3. Powerhouse | Asbestos: Dust Settles On The Low Moral Ground

    Jun 3, 2013 – And guess which former lawyer-turned-federal-politician counted James That would be the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party, Julie Bishop.

  4. Julie Bishop’s legal past: Clayton Utz work in wake of AWU scandal…/juliebishop-on-her-own-legal-past-the-interview-…
     Nov 30, 2012 – I wouldn’t…

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