Archive for August 24, 2013



…just click the image to see Australian Greens plan…


“Refugees from all over the world have made our nation richer – wave after wave  from Europe after World War II, Vietnam, Somalia, Sudan we have welcomed and inturn they have given back to us many times over…

…Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott are aiding and abetting each other in ways to treat innocent, vulnerable people in the most unimaginably cruel way – cruelty in pursuit of power shames us all, drags down our international standing as we break international law. It demeans us as a people but I know Australians are better than this.”

Christine Milne, leader of The Greens (Oz), election 2013 launch…24/08/13 …including plan for a Senate inquiry into Australia’s treatment of refugees and the legal, moral and financial implications of having one of the harshest refugee policies of any democratic country in the world.